人 物 介 绍 Profile :
        严慕高 Nyien Mou Kao (1948 - 2009)

Nyien MK

严慕高师祖籍上海,出生於新加坡,是个独生女;中小学在吉隆坡受教育,从小爱好音乐;十八岁便考获 L.R.S.M. 教学资格。1970 年赴英国深造音乐,并考获 L.R.A.M. ,L.G.S.M. 等文凭。留英期间,她曾在大小不同的比赛中获奖。毕业后,回国从事音乐教育工作卅余年。授琴业余,她侍奉基督教会,领导诗班,90年代中开始参加南洋中小幼校友会合唱团,协助指挥;之后合创《百合女声》。

《百合》成长期间,慕高老师编写伴奏,和声。在《百合》选唱的世界民歌和东西艺术歌曲中,注入了她精心的诠释和演绎,让高中低不同的声部得以各自的音色在不同段落突出异彩,丰富了和声的内容。她的作品包括 《拾彩贝》,《阿里郎》,《喀秋莎》,《梭罗河》,《春风桃李》,《掀起你的盖头来》等的和声及钢琴伴奏。

慕高老师因病殁于2009年十二月22日。 [纪念文章]

Born in Singapore but schooled in Kuala Lumpur, Nyien Mou Kao obtained L.R.S.M (Teaching) at the age of 18. She proceeded to study music in the United Kindom and obtained L.R.A.M and L.G.S.M. She won many awards in various competitions during her stay abroad. A piano teacher by profession, Nyien Mou Kao also conducts several church choirs. She joined the Nanyang Schools Alumni Choir in the 90's and assisted in conducting. She was a founding member of Baihe. In Baihe, she arranged many works for piano accompaniment as well as multiple vocal parts. These include "Arrirang", "Lift your Veil Up" and "Friends for Life".

Nyien Mou Kao passed away on December 22nd, 2009 after a short illness.